17 Januari 2016

Lancome Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate

Lancome Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate
Akhirnya cita-cita saya terkabul untuk bisa membeli "booster" serum ini, awalnya sempet bingung karena apasih Lancome Advanced Genifique ini? Dari brand yang bukan asing  juga sebetulnya, dari dulu jarang and almost never look at the counter dan nama produknya panjaang amat hahahha, ternyata bukan cuma judulnya yang panjang tapi ditilik lagi ternyata oww owww hasilnya memang untuk jangka waktu yang panjaanng banget a.k.a this is the investment skin. Good skin it's my next investment to feel still young and fresh. Hehehe. Since I'm being 30 years old as women, I think I need some of very extra and good treatment for my daily dose of skincare. And diumur 30 tahun ini adalah saat-saat rentan wanita menentukan kesehatan kulit wajahnya, also disaat-saat umur segini adalah moment dimana kita dapat mencegah tanda-tanda penuaan dini. So, here we come, my experience and this one it's my "holy grail" treatment, it's a must on the list my daily skincare routine. Anyway, berbagai macam skincare dari brand-brand skincare terpercaya sudah saya coba dan hasilnya ada juga yang; "Thank's God it's good on me" or "Ohmgod this one it's not good on me". The trial and error sudah pernah saya alami. Awalnya sempat ngerasa ragu banget untuk menggunakan produk dari brand Lancome ini (cause I think it's too my Mom look hahahhaa and I never used from hype brand), tapi setelah banyak baca review-review also threadnya, I think I must to have it And I will review the best product for my daily skin regime, routine from day and night.

Many of skincare that I used it's literally came from the organic or the safe by the drugstore dermatologist product. Such as like, I'm wearing all my skincare daily routine day and night it's from many brand: Kiehl's, Sunday Riley, Pixi and many more. And for this one I wanna share my experience, till now when the first time anf first impression while I'm wearing Lancome Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate. This product I know it from my Mom (actually). Cause she wearing one of the product from Lancome. 

When I'm finally buying this product. I think it's just the same like the other texture of any concentrate that I used (the old stories lah, dengan beribu-ribu pertanyaan "Apa iya" and "Masa sih bisaa?"), I buy the travel size dengan sizing 7 ml when I was first trial at the onlineshop (you can click the link of the trusted onlineshop here) and that quite enough to us wearing for less more than 1 months. And here the claim of the product it's :
My first trial Lancome Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate; my suggest : buy and try the sample size before you buy the normal full size which is the size it's in counter ready 20 ml : 700k, 30 ml : 1.100k, 50 ml : 1.550k, Why I tell you to buy the sample / the trial size? It's to prove it to your skin. Doing good or bad.

Jadi pas begitu seminggu pemakaian terlihat cocok, ga bikin breakout, ga ada purging, ga ada kemerahan, or jerawatan dan ada dampak perubahan yang sedikit signifikan, example; pori-pori wajah yang mulai mengecil (cause for the trial using a skincare bisa kita liat perubahannya dengan perubahan pori-pori didan pas dikulit, baru deh beli full size-nya. Trial size ini cukup murah dijual di online-onlineshop trusted biasanya dibandrol antara 150k s/d 180k.

Maksudnya biar kalian semua ga ngerasa rugi untuk membeli produk ini, cause kadang product skincare bagus sekalipun cocok-cocokan yaakaann?
The best booster before serum, use it everyday and daily from am to pm. Feel the difference how the good activating of the concentrate works on your skin. 

Key Features:
Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate targets 10 signs of youthful-looking skin.

Its patented formula feels incredible to the touch. Drop by drop, skin feels younger at your fingertips.

For every woman: multiple ethnicities and ages. Clinically proven results.

14 years of research, 7 patents - Exclusive self-loading dropper.

Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Improves the appearance of radiance, clarity, firmness, evenness in skin tone and texture. 

"That's why I'm going to share to you a little bit of this miraculous booster (kalau kalian pake serum sebelum moisturizer kalian, nah ini dipakenya sebelum serum. Jadi yang pertama banget setelah cuci muka + toner). I fell in love with this booster because it has been proven to improve my skin. It evens out my skin tone, improves my skin texture, hydrates (kadang2 kalo udh pake ini suka cheating ga pake moisturizer lagi 😁), and increases my skin's elasticity. LOVE! and how it's feel after apply this? My skin feels so cool and fresh, the light texture on the Advanced Genifique it feels like your face has an touch of ice." 

Note :
Suer deh beneran, using this rasanya kulit wajah kita seger, kayak ada partikel air es and berasa ada oxygen gtu, terus yang bikin happy adalah berasa ajah, segala macam serum and moisturizer yang saya pakai lebih bekerja dengan baik, apalagi ditambah dengan saya menggunakan perawatan combainde dari dokter hasilnya lebih amaze banget, this Advanced Genifique ini, berhasil juga memulihkan kulit wajah saya yang kemerahan setelah treatment laser telangietacsis

And now after I've been using this for 2 month. For the claim that tell us can help to reduce our problem skin it's that true! Kulit wajah saya lebih look more dewy glowing, healthy and more bright better than before, And that it's true if we using this before our favorite serum, or our skincare product yang kita pakai, kegunaan dan fungsional benar-benar terasa. Wajah lebih kencang dan juga membantu mempercepat perbaikan sel-sel kulit kita. Perbedaannya memang terasa selama seminggu setelah kita menggunakan concentrate ini. Plus  if you got some medical treatment from beauty clinic and doctor, use this and you will feel, perawatan dari dokter pun, had a very good working and result after using this. So now, I will recommeded this  "booster" serum as a beauty holy grail for making a flawless skin. Product ini di klaim dapat memperbaharui sel-sel kulit wajah kita, Especially for me yang  dengan kondisi kegiatan harian saya, yang memang sangat membutuhkan segala kebutuhan kulit agar tetap sehat, bersinar dan juga lembab, for those who got the same daily outdoor routine activity I suggest to used this. Anyway I buy the 30 ml Lancome Advanced Genifique and it's can use more than 6 month I think. Pemakainnya juga sedikit hanya cukup 2 tetes and that's quite enough for applying whole the face and neck.

Setelah pemakaian 2 bulan ini saya benar-benar merasakan bahwa kulit wajah saya lebih lembab, glowing, cerah, kencang, pori-pori mengecil and there's no problem anymore with smile line anymore. This treat very recommended.

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